Cloud Computing in Healthcare Multi-Vendor Sponsored Report

We are now nearly a decade into the cloud computing era, during which time we have witnessed rapid adoption and growth of these technologies in other sectors of the economy, yet there has been tepid adoption in healthcare until recently. heslthcare is now adotpting cloud computing a a fairly brisk pace and thid report will address the drivers of adoption and the key advantages that cloud computing can offer relative to traditional on-premise infrastructure. From more sreamlined data managegement, to the rise of microservices and more rapid application development, to the adoption of FHIR, cloud computing has many advantages over existing technology infrastructures in terms of costs, efficiencies and even security. In this report, we will analyze the rapid adoption of cloud computing and key drivers in the healthcare sector. We will also cover the advantages of new cloud infrastructure such as containerd anf Kubernetes, multi-cloud and hybrid management issues, and cybersecurity. 

Thie report will be FREE to the public thanks to support from our sponsors. Share your information in the form to the right to be notified when the report is available to download.

We also encourage you to check out some of out other research on interoperability and analytics technology:


NOTE: The specific topics and scope of this report will be finalized in collaboration with our vendor sponsors. If you are interested in helping to shape the report and educate the market, please contact John Moore III directly at